Muddy Mutleys

Dog Training & Behaviour Specialists

We train
we train
we walk
we care
We walk
we train
we walk
we care
We care
we train
we walk
we care

Check out our new Saturday Sessions.


Welcome to Muddy Mutleys

Hi and welcome to Muddy Mutleys (est. 2014)

I am Clare, founder of Muddy Mutleys and an Accredited Behaviour Practitioner and Animal Trainer.

I am passionate about my work with animals and love nothing more than watching the human canine bond developing with mutual understanding and respect through education and positive, evidence based and proven training methods.

I enjoy working with all members of the family, especially children, so they can enjoy their dogs as much as I did growing-up with my spaniel and my collie, and many other animals thanks to my animal loving and occasionally obsessed parents.

My aim is to set the animals and their human carers up for success, looking to prevent problem behaviours ever occurring wherever possible and ensuring the establishment of an everlasting mutually fulfilling relationship. However, life happens and I am also here to help when things go wrong, approaching my work with a kind, non-judgmental and holistic approach.

Here at Muddy Mutleys we offer a wide range of group training opportunities, workshops, 121 sessions and consultations both face to face and online. My aim is always to make these fun as well as informative. All members have access to training videos and resources that can be referred to time and time again.

Jump onboard and see all the wonderful sports and activities that having a dog opens up for you and your family. Contact Muddy Mutleys today!


Assistance in Disability Dog A.I.D
Association of INTODogs
Association of INTODogs – Certified Canine Behaviourist
Charter 2024
Dr Susan Friedman HRW
Dynamic Dog Pratctitioner
ICAN – Certified Animal Behaviourist
ICAN – Certified Animal Trainer
Institute of Modern Dog Trainers
intodogs DT
ISCP Advanced Diploma in Canine Behaviour
Pet Professional Guild
Tellington TTouch Training
The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme

What’s On